Trending Galaxy Gas and the Dangers of Misusing it

Galaxy Gas

There is a trend going on in Twitter called Galaxy Gas. This is where teens misuse whipped cream chargers that contain nitrous oxide. Doctors and Mental Health Professionals are warning parents to be on the lookout.

What is Galaxy Gas?

This product is supposed to be for high quality whip cream chargers and dispensers that flavours whipped cream. When whip cream is favoured it creates foam and mousse which can be used to enhance different desserts.

You may be wondering what is Galaxy Gas? It is a company where they make whipped cream chargers using nitrous oxide. The problem is there is a trend going in tik tok where teenagers are misusing it.

This product marketed solely for culinary purposes; however teenagers have found a way around this to abuse nitrous oxide. It gives them a temporary high for around one minute.

How to know your teenager is Misusing Galaxy Gas?

Parents with teenagers should take precautions, being educated about misusing the product will be crucial. It is a dangerous trend that is going around and children can be ignorant when engaging in such trends. You can watch out for these signs of teens abusing the product:

  • They will have memory gaps
  • You will notice Disposables or empty canisters in their rooms
  • They are prone to excessive exhaustion
  • Random laughter or in a euphoric mood
  • Constant mood swings
  • Decline in academics

What Happens if you Misuse Galaxy Gas?

The gas nitrous oxide causes severe impact into your central nervous system specially the brain. This impact can be dangerous as it deprives the brain of oxygen leading to light-headedness, fainting, dizziness and impaired judgement.

It can also be fatal when teenagers inhale large amounts of nitrous oxide depriving the brain of oxygen causing damage to brain cells.

There are also other risks present which have been found when you misuse nitrous oxide which includes:

  • Loosing coordination
  • Having headaches
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Vitamin B12 deficiency (with long-term use)
  • Numbness
  • Brain Damage
  • Fainting from oxygen deprivation
  • Heart attack due to a sudden increase in blood pressure
  • Sudden death from oxygen deprivation to the brain
  • Loss of consciousness (not waking up)
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Seizures
  • Turning blue around the lips or fingertips (signs of oxygen deprivation)

If you see your child having any of these signs, please seek immediate medical help or call 911. Leaving them out for too long can be fatal with a poor prognosis.


Teenagers are prone to make ignorant decisions and give into harmful trends in order to fit in. Parents should educate themselves on such things and remain vigilant and monitor the behaviour of their kids at all times. This will prevent fatalities and ensure the safety of children.

Key Points

  • Teens misuse Galaxy Gas whipped cream chargers to get a brief high from inhaling nitrous oxide.
  • Inhaling nitrous oxide deprives the brain of oxygen, causing dizziness, fainting, and even brain damage.
  • Parents should watch for signs like mood swings, memory gaps, and empty canisters in their teen’s room.